Excellence is an art won by training and
habituation. We do not act rightly because
we have virtue or excellence, but rather we
have those because we have acted rightly.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence,
then, is not an act but a habit.

Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you better start running.
                                     African proverb
At every moment of our lives, we all have one foot in a fairy tale and the other in the abyss...
Paolo Coelho
An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered
G. K. Chesterton: Adventure Quotes
You are permitted in times of great danger to walk with the devil until you have crossed the bridge.   Bulgarian proverb
There are more things on this planet with fangs, claws, poisons and scales than there are things that are warm, fuzzy and full of love. It's a simple Fact!
James Keating
Reason is poor propaganda when opposed by the yammering, unceasing lies of shrewd and evil and self-serving men. The little man has no way to judge and the shoddy lies are packaged more attractively. Robert Heinlein (Assignment in Eternity)
The unforgivable crime is soft hitting.  Do not hit at all if it can be avoided; but never hit softly.  ~Theodore Roosevelt ~
The personal, as everyone's so fucking fond of saying, is political. So if some idiot politician, some power player, tries to execute policies that harm you or those you care about, take it personally. Get angry. The Machinery of Justice will not serve you here - it is slow and cold, and it is theirs. Only the little people suffer at the hands of Justice; the creatures of power slide out from under with a wink and a grin. If you want justice, you will have to claw it from them. Make it personal. Do as much damage as you can. Get your message across. That way you stand a far better chance of being taken seriously next time. Of being considered dangerous. And make no mistake about this: being taken seriously, being considered dangerous, marks the difference - the only difference in their eyes- between players and little people. Players they will make deals with. Little people they liquidate. And time and again they cream your liquidation, your displacement, your torture and brutal execution with the ultimate insult that it's just business, it's politics, it's the way of the world, it's a tough life, and that it's nothing personal. Well, fuck them. Make it personal.' / Things I Should Have Learned By Now Vol II 
Peritus Expello Formidine
 (Skill Banish's Fear
Happiness is an imaginary condition, formerly attributed by the living to the dead, now usually attributed by adults to children, and by children to adults.
                     Thomas Szasz
 “There are things that are so serious, you can only joke about them.”
            W. Heisenberg.
The border between the Real and the Unreal is not fixed, but just marks the last place where rival gangs of shamans fought each other to a standstill.
                                                                                                     Robert Anton Wilson
Mudra: The way of the fingers and hands.
What do the mythical figures of clairvoyance and clairaudience look like and what weapons do they use?
The word “mudra” translates to seal or gesture. A hand mudra is both a symbolic and therapeutic gesture mainly performed with the fingers. Those who train with me know that I employ Mudra in many instances. Daily use strengthens the intent behind them.
Examples of applied physics in the form of "party tricks"
Here is the frosting upon the delicious applied Physics cake
The Infrared Rays and Martial Beliefs about health 
The amazing philosophical roadmap of the KuitThey guide the hand, train the eye and sharpen the senses! But are they just old time Kung Fu BS? Or are they powerful "Mnemonic devices"(You must decide eh?)
The KUIT and much more.
 A nice array from Internal Kung Fu Australia
It was 1937 - The west had not grokked Kung Fu yet.
 I really love this old video. 
More on being "Water" - a concept Bruce Lee proposed as a "way of no way"
The force of magic flows in two directions. 
Zhen Wu 
God of Martial Arts & Hidden Knives
Where Did Chief Joseph Get His Mesopotamian Tablet?
JKD Speed training & breakdowns!
Yi Jin Jing (Muscle Tendon Change Classic)
The Keys to Self Mastery for the Filipino and S. E. Asian Arts By JAK 6/29 2018
10 Breathing Exercises to Restore Mind-Body Balance.
GOOD STUFF! - Complex movements (KALI) may have different affects than well learned movements on cognitive function.
Minimal art: Lacoste System efficiency & Economy
Another JKD/Kali manualMight help some (might not)
Practicing RAPIER / from Martin Fabian
In the Six Healing Sounds Of Qi Gong one can find their way. PDF ahead - nicely explained too!
Shortened Life Span from Karate practice? Seems so ~
Just a curious Book explained in Video- watch 
Classic from Angelo: Hungarian & Highland Broadsword
A look at Scaramouche 1952 / At the fencing school
text of the Tao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee
Out of time, out of place, the Wicked pace of the red haired race -
Out of Ireland came the Sword adorned. Often with teeth set as if gems -
The Irish Rebel and the Ancient Sword - A Twilight Zone-like thing -
Islamic History Discovery / This is a fantastic Documentary: The validity of Mecca - The location of Petra. 
Philosophical Lessons Archilochus Has Taught Me
Beauty of a Knife! Don Juan Manuel's "Bowie Knife"
The Spaniards began using dogs at least by the 1260s, as King Jaume I of Aragon-Catalonia supplied guard dogs to garrisons of regional castles.
Bruce! "I did not hit - It hits by itself" - dat bit of Zen JKD
Miyamoto Musashi’s Dokkōdō – A Ronin’s 21 Laws Of Life
Is the Era of the EDC Tactical Folder Over?
Straight Talk regarding the Laws of Magic -
How Words Can Be MAGIC in their Own Right -
Bruce Lee / Fencing / The Truth Few Know or Tell
The same topic and MORE on Video. Well done / pieces are all connected - 
Influences: James Keating and the Crossada Bowie
Chumash Science Through Time // Ceremony’s role in transmitting traditional knowledgeThe Case of `Alchuklash -
"Your Behaviour Won't Be The Same" | Dr. Andrew Huberman 
The Dagger has Many Forms / Tlingkit Daggers / Armor attire 
This book is YOGA for MEN: Chock full of Hidden Gems !
More! TEN Principles of Tai Chi Chuan / Great Content Ahead -
 The Dirty Truth on Empty Hand versus the Knife - 
By James A. Keating
Sit Back and Take in BE A HUNTER ! From the Pen of Peter James
This Don Henley Song: "Garden of Allah" -
A Talk at home with Dan Inosanto and Joe Lewis / Bruce and JKD
Plant Sacred: The story of tobacco is the story of the modern age. On 12th October 1492
JAK Talks about the Concept of "Effortless Power" 
When IRON The Great Protector Was Removed / Great Piece on Mystic Iron
True IRON AS A PROTECTIVE CHARM // Even More on the Mystical metal -
The Kung Fu of the RED BOATS / Red Boat Wing Chun? Audio - JAK Speaks Out
Marcus Wynne: Training Design - Mirror Neurons (a great article)! Dig In - ! 
This Short story with Rapiers and daggers fight from the Renaissance period created at Hrubý Rohozec Castle in Bohemian Paradise
The 21 Rules of Life / Musashi / Master the Mind / Follow Rules and Prosper
The Stick of Beauty, Health / The WARRIORS Tool / Guru Shows You How!
RIP my 1rst Silat Teacher - Guro Besar Jim Ingram
I trained w/ Guro before he put Amerindo together. 
Tai Chi in the park 1959 China / Neat B&W footage / Surreal Scenes of past days
Jon Levi Brings us another view on RED MERCURY (video) / Esp. at 2:52 (The Mirror)
 The Astronaut Mega-Cave Adventure - Neil Armstrong Seeks the Golden Tablets !
A Great Docu-lesson! 50 Min / The Secret Fight Master Of The Middle Ages 
Conquistador Describes Bernal Diaz Alien World of Tenochtitlan (1519) / Narrated
Encounters with the Nagual- SURVIVAL OF THE ASSEMBLEDGE POINT / 6 min
Awseome!!! Takanoyama! || Amazing 1/2 Versus! || [Sumo/Czech / AWESOME!!!
Hedin, the Man Who Solved the Mystery of the Wandering Lake: Lop Nor and Lou-lan
One of the Best! Robert W. Smith / Chronicler of Masters and Methods / Reading fun
Good! KUITS - The Maxims of Wing Chun / Receive what comes, follow it back home
From JAK / Water magic is Real / A Listing of various WATER related sites. FUN ~~
The Classics of Taijiquan are an important part of the tradition/ Bob Amaker Talks
Consciousness Wiping is a term that refers to Mind Wiping technology used by military personnel, usually in organized covert operations to remove current memories -
A Glass of Water w/ The Silva Method / This is so Cool / Solve Issues "magically" -
Here is that Video: Tezcatlipoca is a three minute short animation -  Fantasia-like
 Martial Arts and the ambiguous nature of "STRUCTURE" / JAK talks alignments
The Master of the Americas! Bowie and Sword, Pistol & Powder! T'is Pepe Lulla !
The Master does some Silat Takedowns: Part One and Part Two / Inosanto El Magico
Discover the Power of Laughter / The Secret Weapon that Dispels BS! / Smiling -
The advent of this new type of warfare is different from anything we have seen before. Although it takes elements from previous types of hybrid warfare, the reach and level of impact it possesses make it far more dangerous than its predecessorsWe have dubbed this new way of war cognitive warfare. 
Hand Signs / MUDRA / Kuji-In > Tai Chi with the Fingers - I use them for sure - jak
Maul does SIMBUR / Aiki Otoshi / Garuda - a dynamic throw - effortless when done right.
COLTELLO SICILIANO STILE SANTAMARIA awesome vid / like a high budget film!
Suffering is taught to us one way or another / JAK talks -
5 Keys To Self-Mastery — Lao Tzu’s Simple Yet Revealing Statements On Character
Study on Scholars / the hidden: of Telepathy and the Language of Thought / Heavy --
Nicely respun to a higher purpose. 'Things that are Passed Along' from Matt McKinley
Great Read! Self Defence: Articles and conversations from The One In One Journal -
Red Boat Wing Chun Part Two / JAK Audio Talk / Followup to to RB #1 
Sifu Sonnon // the basic Drills for Russian and Indian Knife Fighting mastery.
The male Sigma is difficult to spot because he is unrecognizable. / Learn -
The Heart is Target / Darpa Is at It (so rumor sez) / Kill off the Light Bringers  /
From Den Martin: Salute to Marcus Wynne (vid at bottom) / More
The Marcus Story (Portals) and this one (not connected) Portal
Primitive Prime! Weapons of Days Past / Todays Lesson + Fun
Red Boat #3 Audio from JAK is up! Havva Listen and enjoy - Thanks!
Deadly Aiki Training of the Past // Hontai Yoshin Ryū: True origins?
Indonesian Magic and Related Articles: An Awesome Resource ~<
  In Taoist Occult, This is simply known as The 5 Poisons or "Wu Tu"
 (extremely powerful when creating talismans and consecrating of warrior effigies). 
Maylay Magic 1900: The Roots of Tribal & Cultural Magic Defined -
Bagwell & Keating - Thanks Lynn!: Lynn Thompson Talks Bowies
This B&W Footage of Duels set to Music is Rather Cool / Sword!
La Verdadera Destreza - Las generales / More Sword / Nicce!
I have Recently posted a longer version of the Old Fencing Video
Learning INTENT / Toltec Tai Chi Meta Mastery Mystery Methods ~~
Study Part 1 - The Technology of Demons / Maybe you should read this
Once Again A Smartphone Discussion That Ignored My Opinion
The Ghost Dance And Ghost Shirts of the Native American Indians
The Strange Mystery of Native American Ghost Sickness / Mystical
Spartan Rules For Life - The Philosophy of Sparta / cool thoughts --
This is an AWESOME Bowie Knife Video / Thank you James ++!
Observation Cams: Fires, meh maybe. Sky Eyes YES / Learn now
Chasing Greatness: Yogic 'Siddhis" / Supra-Normal Abilities - /\ 
This Video demonstrates several Ways of Samchien (White Crane) (good)
Correct Ways to Shoot w/ a .38 Snubby / Makes sense to me / Shoot -
Can Time Travel Exist? Siberia / Mirrors / Tales of 1990's Xperiments 
Copper: The Experiments in the Copper Room / Tibetan Tech upgrade?
Who or what is "Tartarus"? God, place, state of mind or cursed land?
A REALLY GOOD Video: Where'd the Internet Go / Illusion & Confusion
The cloak, or capa, worn by men in 19th-century Spain was an integral part of the Spanish knife-fighting system
This is a tutorial on the Venerable Italian CLOAK y Daga / Subtitles Explain it
The WORKOUT of the Ancient Men / A Fun Article - Neat Images too
Aikido old school, black belt test By Steven Seagal / Wait for the Ending
Clever Tales Aid the Mind in Understanding our True  Place in the World
The Red Mercury Anomaly, 7 Djinn Kings and their Cold War Mystery
This is cool: U will Like - Victorian & Edwardian Martial & Exercise Films
Natural Movement and Its Relationship to Martial Arts / human motion
Akademia Szermierzy - TOP 3 Polish Saber Exercises / Excellent / More
When the Jaguar Spirit makes you a Shaman - Voice / Listen / Real Good!
Try some Light Kung (Jin Shen Shu) Skill of The Southern Kingdom //
The Magic of Breathing - A Path to Power - Prana - Performance //
There is Physical and Energetic Forces / Twins of the same Mother ~~
In Carlos Castaneda‘s system, perception is the key to ordinary magic.
Water Margin / Also translated as Outlaws of the Marsh and All Men Are Brothers
Music / Great Tunes of the West / not a bad song on this album / cool
White Owl Kali School brings some Snaking Concepts to our attention!
Love this Cat's Channel / Great Stuff / Creativity Western Shaman
The Flavor of Silat / Great Reading and the Writing is Superb! Enjoy!
Comedy Genius: The Full Show w/ Jim Breuer / Really Quite Good / FUN!
In Detroit: Espada y Daga Done Right / Salute / Respect! Nicely Done!
"BESH" / Tachee and his Bowie Knife / Very Interesting Story Awaits 
Some Kali Silat - Knife to Knife contradas with entries / Smooth Deadly
The Practice of Pencak Silat / Politics of Inner Power in West Java
Juru Information / Meanings and Mastery / Guro Liam Thanks! 
The "Firmament" has been Torn : Ice Falls and Sky Anomalies / Weather
Three from Walla Walla /\ Elk Kill /\ Sasquatch Flying /\ Lions in Town
Serpent People: The Myths, the Fiction and the History / Sword n Sorcery
Creating Champions: A Close Up Look At Championship Living / xcellent
The Architect Your Day IQ Matrix explores how to take back control
Here is the Breath of Life and How to do it! Recommended & Easy to do!
The Boxer that could not be hit! Wow! A Zero Pressure Zone Lesson Here
I must admit I kinda Liked This Adam Mizner Video / Sway!
GOOD! Video Too! Native American Conquers Wild West ~
Kali 1 from Kali 2 the Details of Disarms 3 / Guy has Flow eh.. ?
This is a Knife Throwing Machine / (Maybe DARPA is interested huh)
The Romance of Canadian Radium: Interesting Read / History
This Bukti Negara Silat is well done / Bravo / Observe strong
Fon Jerng is an ancient dance Martial art (Ricochet Hitting)
A Look at: Have Demons Taken Over? Yes/No? Vid ~ 
Jinn: Intell-Agencies use Multi-dimensional Beings that Spy
1914 -1918 Cavalry Sabre Solo Drills - Horseback & On Foot -
From MW2 comes the connection of Illusion and the Blade -
Sam Chian Tio Tik Kwie Tutorial of Sam Chien form
Tactical Cut! Some badass Stuff here folks / Kerbang! 
He said: BJJ is Useless - Gasp! Heresy of the highest order!
Hearing about a Japanese Documentary made near Wallula
Many Good Reasons to Carry a Weapon - Just do it! / Conceal!
La Verdadera Destreza is the Spanish school of fencing / 
The Infamous "Spanish Circle" / Mas Destreza / Pain from Spain
Carranza wrote "De La Filosophia de Las Armas" / Seville in 1569
Bruce Lee – The World’s Most Famous Fencer? JKD / Fencing?
Bare Knuckle Fencing: How Jeet Kune Do Creates Power ... 
Comparison of Thibault’s Mysterious Circle & the Leiden Circle
Thibault called His Footwork Diagram The Mysterious Circle -
Dragon Serving Tea / a training method from Pakua (Bagua) *
Mysterious Geometry of SwordsmanshipGorgeously Illustrated 
PDF on the Circle du Mysterie / Sword and Segno combo
Academy of the Sword: A man that fights by arithmetic! / Sword
Getting to the Point: The European Art of Fencing / Mondschein
% Involved: DESTREZA / Ramon Reveals Revelations on Sword
To Catch the RIGHT Rays! Magic Sunlight / Mornings Feel Right
Long Hair through History's Lens: Pah-ha-sh-kah / Pelo Halo
So Was Bruce Lee right about Fixed Patterns? Classical Man?
SATRIA FIGHTING ARTS (Pencak Silat), with Guro Steven Benitez
And More From Satria / I always Liked this / Backdrop is cool
Reality Check Breakdown: Street Fighting Legend Lenny McLean / Wow
Scientists Have Announced That They Found A Portal To a Fifth Dimension 
Jim Bowie and the Vidalia Sandbar Fight/ Neat Pictures
A Few Vital Elements for Kali-JKD-Silat Players / Studying -
Saint Malo: The first Asian settlement in the US / Filipino !
An Introduction to THE GIFT OF SHAMANISM / Good Article
An Inside Look at how Power Can Kill You / EMF / Damn GOOD 
Some Messer & Dagger / German Methods of the Long & Short
Mysteries of Simulacrum / Many Unusual Videos / Surf on
Messer Fighting - More of the Germanic Bowie-esque Blade 
This is Good - Most Dangerous Knife In America! Bowie Knife
What Mysteries did they Know? The Fight Masters of Europe ! 
Archaix website offers Deep Insights into Theory and Time
Laurus Nobilis - Messer vs Messer duel fight / classic display!
Swordsmanship, Sacred Geometry, & the Body w/ John Greer
OMG! Bruce Lee Plagarist? (yes) / NOoooo! Paraphrase maybe?
Sword Done Well / Salvator Fabris Shows Us the Way - Bravo
Hotness Continues w/ Silvia Salamanca at Cues and Tattoos !
A Great Lecture - Laugh - So Truthful - Yet so Feared (truths)
Master Tackett / Try Disarming Aggression Via Verbal Judo ~ 
Marcus Wynne's Great Book @Amazon and a great Price too
Tai Chi Chuan One: The Tai Chi Classic Explained visually --
Da Rule: “Do unto others as You would have them do unto you.” 
Powerful SHIVA MANTRAS | Eliminate Negative Energies
Golden Spiral of Consciousness: Inspiration & Enlightenment
 through Art & Science
Reality Tunnels: How to Control & Re-Program Your Mind
Master Lin |"Your Whole System Will Reboot in 5 Seconds" 
Remembering QiGong for Healing / Worth a Try My Friend 
Get Your Center Aligned: Chakras Too. Temple Bell Vibes ~
The Metaphor Of The Buffalo And The Cows / timely Wisdom?
In Times of Strife = The Bowie Knife / LFM Life / Good Article!
Here is the basic version of The Pallasut Knife Drill from Kali.
Banned in 52 Countries! The Bowie Knife / Now California Next! Oh my!
Take Lines & Circles - Sacred Geometry in all things - see it
A Weighted Tai Chi Ball: Video Ahead / Circular Motion ++
A Form (Fist Set) Using the Fan as Weapon / I Like This !
For The Fuchen (Horsetail Whisk) – A Taiji Study Yin and Yang 
My Cheap Knife Review (If ya ain't read it it yet) / Thanks!
There is a Magic water, which gives health and long life ~
An important scientific review identifies 25 of the top foods and herbs which kill the cancer stem cells at the root cause of cancer malignancy
20 Min. Bagua (Pakua) Documentary || Gao / Seattle Group
Street Style Leg Sweep - Use Environment / Ass Whoop'in!
Time Slowed again / NLP Thoughts on This as Visualizations
Thats Why A Brush With Death Triggers The Slow-Mo Effect
The Extraordinary Skills & Invulnerability of a Battle Trance
As a boy, I was fascinated by speed, The Wild Range of Speeds!
The 3 Classes of Levers || How we use Levers with our Bodies! 
Energetic  Psychic Defense Method known as "Zipping Up" 
The Magnificent Dandelion / Here is More on Dandelions!
Learn to Rely on Your Intuition - One of your strongest gifts
Incredible Vibration Healing w /Gongs / Blood Betterment ++
Hopi-land: The Wanderers of the Fourth World / Explore
Trusted The Bubishi / Karate's Special Old Book ~ Shh! Secret
Sanchin, Paipuren, and other tension/breath kata allows the student to concentrate his energy without any wasting and direct it to any part of the body to strike or for healing
Tai Chi Chuan: Five (5) Basic Principles to Remember / Flow
The Calming Magic of Peppermint / aroma Therapy time
Lemons, of all things, Who Knew? So fight back w/ Lemon +++
Keen on the Bart Jam Dao / China's Kung Fu Short Sword 
Kan YOU Heal Yourself? YES! Blood Pressure Cure Qi Gong
The Way to Behave for a warrior is impeccability / self power
Kung Fu Done Right: Two Man Set / Some Classic Stuff Here!
Five Ancestors Fist Ngo Cho Southern Shaolin Kung fu Forms
Chinese Crane set that influenced GoJu kata / Tensho & SeiSan
Karate's Answer / Papuren Kata / Notice Hands Specialized GRIPS
The Other "Way of Sanchin" / Good article on the good kata
The history of Sanchin Kata is lost to time. Many claim to know
The Amazing ROPE DART / Kung Fu Weapon Advanced Skill 
Of Rope Darts, Chain Whips and Meteor Hammers: History
Try out a Challenge and Build your Own Rope Dart Trainer - 
Interesting List of JINGS found in Kung Fu / Spring to yer Jing
Master Lee Kong - The White Crane Kung Fu Documentary
This is Good: Taoism Documentary - BAGUAZHANG - # 1 ~~
For many generations, the Matayoshi family has preserved the combat techniques of the Ryukyu kingdom.
Violence: # 1 //  # 2 //  # 3  // The Dynamics and Concepts -
Red Boat Adventure / Ban Chung Wing Chun Revealed !
More on the Many Misconceptions on Iron Thread set as above -
Make a Sound: Hung Family "Tit Sin Kuen" / Breathing Power
Take it Seriously: Everything Is Personal & Always Has Been!
When Yuan Tze Awakened| The Middle Years - Part 1 Docu
Real Chinese Kung Fu: A Great Demo / Old School Action -
This is how Real Kung Fu Should be Done!! Such Energy eh?
15 Benefits Of Drinking Water From Copper Vessels / Amazing!!
Damn Good! A Simple Way To Protect Yourself From Punches
Mystery! Lost Aztec Statue / Thulsa Doom or? A Great Yarn!
Taoist magicians who used to Carve their magic spells & 
symbols On old Ginkgo wood to gain access to the spirit world.
Vanishing Act: Thousands Disappear in Alaska Triangle (Video)
The Wedjat Eye had a magical function linked to the restoration of completeness & the vision of the invisible.
Have a Gander at a Great Disarming Flow from Sifu Ron / Augow
Three Hundred (300) Years of Hakka Kung Fu / Great Insights
Peek at "Bafen" / White Crane (Hakka) Roots / Come to "Grips"
What Bruce Lee Taught me: Joe Lewis Demos JKD damn well
Piecing together the San Zhan / Sanchin Puzzle w/ Jesse! Yes!
Now see Clearly / the Great FMA Hand Skills / Sifu Alix Lavaud
Ya really Gotta Love Jesse Enkamp ? Ju Jitsu "Testing" / Truths
Big Time Cool! Fast Trap FMA Style / Two for One Also / Slick!
Bruce Lee - "Life Artist"? Interesting Take on the Great Man!
Primal Vision or ACTIVE SEEING / Learn what this means
Of Fate, Gods, Martial Men & Belief  / Nice Piece ahead 4 You
SATOR SQUARE MAGIC / Many applications / very ancient
You should read this book / the great Tao of Jeet Kune Do online
Not only stick hand, it is sticky body. Be like a leaf dancing in the wind. Be like a tornado spinning around your target. Death is like the wind.
Mark Explains "Fajin Amplifiers" / Internal Arts Energy Burst
Grasp "Song and Ting" / Elements of Internal Expression / Adam
Taoist Triumph! Saam Ching 三清 The Three Pure Ones / Virtue
Check out Ho Chi Minh Training in Martial Tradition / Video
A Taste of the Bold / Fearless Quotes - 26 of'em! Keep me strong!!
A Beautiful Article from Xavier / Nagual Stuff / Thanks Xavier!
Finding out about Loa, Little Dragons and Green snakes / Huh?
A few Golden Nuggets of TOLTEC WISDOM for your Tuesday!
Good! Manly P Hall / The Great Quetzalcoatl: Toltec Knowledge
The Psoas Muscle in Tai Chi / Hidden Secret to Higher Function?
AUDIO: (Listen) You'll Like Jianghu is more than the rivers & lakes 
A Truly Incredible Flashlight!! Stiletto Surefire PRO / Worth it!!!
Spicing up the fight: Saffron's impact on prostate cancer revealed
Lower Blood Pressure FAST w/ this simple trick.. Interesting eh?
The Arkansas Toothpick - Bowie Knives & Historical Accounts
To Help Men Only - Vitamin D - Prostate Help if you suffer / !!!
The Ivermectin Coverup and Truth  about its role in Healing You
Lakota Metaphysics: 16 Wakan Tankas & principle Lakota spirits.
Time has come to restore the pre-eminence of this key concept of Nagualism, the separate reality in which Nagual warriors live.
Most unique knife fighting system - Italian Lajolo Knife Fighting
IVERMECTIN story / Oh YES it Can! We were Mislead to Kill us!
They say "Sparring is Dead"! I thought that a long time ago / So..?
"All Power Comes from One Source. After That... It Is Adapted
 to The Uses and the Purposes that are Defined by Intent
Fantastic Looking Daggers! Begg Knives Filoso Dagger Review 
Little-known devices restore vision to people / better than specs!
The Filipino Batangas Knife: Trick / Slick and Able! Love them!
Bring on the Petty Tyrants / Don Juan Teaches us / Nagualism
Enjoy LING KONG JING / Kung Fu Skill? Or Martial Myth BS??
Exercise the Tai Chi Plasma Ball between your hands // More ~~
Creation Of Confidence Via FENCING / Good Article Ahead / Go
This is My own Take on Hubud / echoing  Mikes post Above
This is from Michael Agee / Hubud Insights / Great Article!
A 1918 Account of Martial Arts in the Chinese Labor Corps / Hmm
None are innocent. There are only those weak enough to believe they are & Those strong enough to Revel in the knowledge that they are not.
Ba Bu Lian (pronounced as BаBuLien) is called also Papuren 
and also Happoren. It is is the first classical taolu of Minghe-quan
A Man's "Double" (Doppelganger) is very important / True Friend
This was a LOCAL Quake (BIG ONE), 1936 Walla Walla. Heh heh, I LIVE right upon this very fault line. Heh heh - Ohh shit!!
This is Ngo Cho Kun: (5 Ancestor) More background / Hakka!!
Mentioned the connection between Materialism & Insanity Before
Fantastic!! A Gem of Information! Maul & Jesse Talk Silat !!!
This Piece From Xavier on JADE Water - Lightning Water is Cool
Fencing / Many Videos / Duels, Training, etc / You might enjoy
The Novelty of the Kerambit / A Worst Choice + Ring - Ouch!
WATER is MAGIC / Never Forget! Water is Magical / Study it !!
All EELS in America & Europe Come From the Bermuda Triangle
This Fast Knife Opening Skill is Awesome: You should learn eh?
The Gun and the KNIFE / Wow, Excellent Stuff / Enjoy Friends
Then Musashi Changed our Existence for the Hard Better Ways 
Are you a free thinker? This quick test, consisting of a single question, will help you find out. 
Videos on Kung Fu and More / Such a Huge Array of Links
Because! Five (5) Reasons to Carry a Fixed Blade Knife!
SILK Road(s) / Highways of Adventure and of Commerce
The Connection of Martial Arts and the Silk Road / History
More on Silk Road Kung Fu Methods / Real deal Appeal!
Never take a knife lightly / Knife is the real "Death Touch" 
This is GREAT: Night Movers Japan / I LOVE this Concept!
Great Footage of my teacher Mr. Harris (courtesy of Sifu Mike Billings). This is on Facebook -
Great Article! OLD SCHOOL RULES / Oooh Dis is Good!
The Insidious Jinn: Who are the Shadow People? See'em
The Matrix of Mind Control & the Operatives / Memories?
Wow! Inside the Time Capsule Fencing Club of Paris, Fr.
Please watch / Blue Light Magic / Yer Call
Maajak  World
My Complete List of Sword and Dagger Resources. For those who came to the seminar and for those who could not attend, these links will surely help you realize ability in Sword and dagger Methods.
The Gerber Mark II combat knife rose to notoriety during the War in Vietnam
Well some of us suspected.. But now we KNOW / Wow!
Breathing: You Will NEVER Feel Stressed Again / Check this out and relate it to San Chin / Sam Chien  etc.. 
The Other "Way of Sanchin" /
Be Your Master / Alone / Lonely / Hermitage work etc ..
And my Own Podcast on Suffering fits in somewhere \/
This is about POINT Shooting / Which I embrace 100%
Slapping Set / First Check this one Out / Learn it Maybe?
So Beautiful!  Fon Jerng Flowing Art Demonstration
Jerng Lanna - Martial Arts of the Lanna Kingdom / Pow!
Songs / Music of the Trance dance Fon Jerng Tempos
Jerng Lanna : The Ancient Lanna Martial Arts / 8K HDR
The Sword Art Known as "DESTREZA" / Neat Article!
More Fon Jerng / What we Call "Keylock Hands" -- cool
Nice Bruce Lee \ Fook Yeung Article Awaits your Read
How Your Words Control Your Reality (no bs) / Good Shit
The account of BATTLE Rage and Trance / It is Real dude
World II 
Kung Fu / Understanding Trance States in Daily Life
The Ultimate Guide to Knife Blade Shapes & Their Uses
Mighty fine, mighty fun: Karate Girl and Aikido Concepts
Fun Gift Idea: Calendar 2025 National Park Monsters
Unexplained Artifacts= Dinosaurs & Humans Together
This is cool: Check out the Daggers and Axes / Wha..??
The Balestra Explained as a Fencing Move / How To -
The Philosophy of Sparring / Maestro Charles Selberg / You know it was he that helped me develop and compose the Comtech Bowie Program. Yes ... This is such a Good article!
Training: The First Thing to Go --- A Damn Curse / Fuk!
The Myths and Legends of China 1922 / Pleasure Read
Fast n Deadly: Butterfly Knife, Batangas Knife, COOL!
Body Language Expert: Stop Using This, It’s Making People Dislike You
For Health! Wow, never heard of this / Food additive
Humans Can Access Something Akin to "Bullet Time....
A Nice Tutorial on making a SLINGSTICK / Very Cool ~
Here is THE BEST for the Last (sound on) & a Re-creation
The Five Striking Energies of Taijiquan / via Cook Ding 
Tactical Knives / The Best of'em here for you / Looky see
Hell Yes, I want the 4"barrel Model 19 / .357 Awesome >
Do you Like Cool Knives? Bradford Has'em / Take a gander
This Chris Petrilli video is durn good
Aikido Examples of Inner Power / Rubber Bands & pens
Sci-Fi Novel: "Vunak of Antares" / A Fun "What if" Read -
Real Nice Talk w/ Guro Bobbe / A True Treasure 
Note: I HAVE NO PART IN THIS project. MERELY ANNOUNCING THE NEWS ABOUT THE BOOK. I have not seen the book. Available Now! New Book / rare photos / Full Color Plates / ON BILL BAGWELL his Bowie knives, his Life and Times. $495.00 / Contact: Dominique Beaucant, 25-92 50TH Street, Woodside, New York 11377   Email:  dominique06nice@aol.com
Seminar on Sumbrada? Landmark Event Join us - Learn
How Swordsmanship Uses 5 Principles Of Magical Illusion 
Boker Bowie Debuts / Looks Kinda Like a Tru-Bal Thrower
BLADE show us some NEW KNIVES for 2025 / Sweet!
Velocity of Time: "Time Reflections" = OMG! This is HUGE
Mel Gibson's Encounter with a Chi Kung Master !! Rogan
Bradford USA Guardian: Cutting Performance At Hand
Pencak Silat Mande Muda: Entry to takedown and finish 
Opium Use among Southern Chinese Martial Artists / KFT
This is MYSTIC SCIENCES / Diverse material / Neat shit!
The Good Old Daze /\ When Hi-Flier Kites Ruled the Sky