~ "De-animating" the Opposition" ~
(Making the Kill)
Ah yes, the oft spoken of "moment of truth" is at hand. The moment is a shared experience in all blood sports & all life and death encounters. It spans specie and time. It exists in it's own time continuum and those who kill know of this place (there is a commonality you see).
Let us explore this "moment of truth". From targets to accuracy .... to kill or be killed, it's as much mind and psyche as is it strength and bravery. These elements are the same in Tauromaquia as well as in Armas Blancas (an old term for arms).
Have a look at the photo above. Let's use this as an example of sorts. First let us examine the general positioning of the matador's body. He is voiding the center to escape being gored, yet to remain close enough to deliver a blow of his own. The same distance control and timing as in an encounter between two expert knife men.
The Killer is also distracting and partially blinding the bull with his small cape. Notice as the cape goes to his right, the matador himself is headed to the left. By using this process it touches upon "subliminal gestures" as well. As many of you know, I have written of subliminal gestures in the past.
As all of the above is happening .... the Matador makes the kill. The perfect thrust to stop the suffering of the great and noble beast (opponent). If he fails he may lose face and his life. If he wins, displaying steely nerve and steady hand, he garners respect and adoration. For the knifeman a win means he goes home alive.
The thrust / the kill is made in motion. Rarely is it otherwise. To not move at all requires bravery and confidence. It cuts an already narrow margin down to an almost suicical level of performance. A masters move, the Matador will allow the bull to actually move him as he employs a pivot off the axis created on and at the point of penetration. It must be perfect or else.....
As per the knife fight we see moves like those of the matador being used all of the time. Fighting classics such as the Balletstra, the Fleche, the In-Quarttata, the Volte and many others depend upon the same mechanics and concepts to achieve victory. Narrow misses, pinpoint accuracy and the nerve-skill to pull it off. If the opponents blade cuts your clothing, but not YOU, then the move was purrrfecttt ! And people, I'm tell'in ya, that's cutting it pretty close ! No pun intended....
Cuts are worthless to the matador who seeks to kill swiftly. Cuts and the bleeding out of the adversary is done in the knife fight to weaken and demoralize the opponent. They lead to the kill. Then it becomes a game of thrusting techniques, which hopefully will finish the job - fight. The bandilleras and the horsemen weaken the bull in the case of the corrida. Thrusts kill, most cuts do not. Remember this simple fact.
It is the nature of man to worry about tomorrow and to dwell upon the fragility of life. It has been thus throughout the ages. At times we feel as if we are able to rise above all conflicts, to play the part of the immortal and thumb our nose at fate and her ever ready partner, death. At these moments of excellence, those "epochas de cosas mas finas" we soar to profound heights of spiritual realizations and founts of physical prowess. Golden moments....
At other times it seems we are anything but masters of our world. It seems we are alone, abandoned to our indivdual madnesses and quirks. The knifeman has his "high art" as discipline, beyond the kill this path provides a port in the storm if so must it be. Like a thin, red line which courses through your life, the thread of your steely discipline runs true. Through relationships, jobs, deaths, storms, births and more ... this thin red line keeps going. It my friend is your life line. Use it when you must. For in fact you ARE alone. The illusion of "others" leaves soon enough when reality comes for you. Get used to it. From the footwork and evasions to the weapons and their targets we have looked at this bullfighting - knifefighting connection in detail. For me, it's an interesting ongoing study. For others perhaps a questionable novelty.... to each their own, eh ? And may the best man win .... ! For entertainments sake I have given you a look inside my world. For most of you it will go no further. But there is one out there, and that one will take the next step to unlock the puzzle. For I have provided the key. And lo, in their grasp will then lie the future. There can be only one !