In the book Oahspe there is a part that describes something called a "Hoogadoah". This Hoogadoah seems to be something of a dry sweatlodge. Meaning, like the Inipi ceremony where one can enter the lodge and ask for guidance, so sounds the Hoogadoah's purpose. Let's address an exact quote on the subject from the pages of the Oahspe itself. (and of course an accompanying link for further research on your part) "But for the light of My angels to come and abide with My people, ye shall provide the hoogadoah, the well-covered house, and it shall have but one door, and pieces shall be put therein, so that when My chosen are within, all shall be dark, that My angels may teach them." |

Another truly wonderful way to learn about enhanced visual techniques that help you see orbs and other fliers in action is to study the HAWKEEN training methods. These clever discoveries give you the tools you need to see orbs and also to see at night! Truly some great material for any serious researcher to aquire for his bag of orb filming tricks. When you can see orbs with your naked eye then your world also changes in almost imperceptible ways. But change it will.
Go to Hawkeen here or hit the logo to visit them. You are in for a treat and a challenge! |

Seen at the right is another closeup picture of an orb. Displayed are the classic characteristics of rainbowing again. In this particular valley there were orbs everywhere. After this sighting they began to form a chain. That chain was also a rainbow. They weaved their way through the valley. Perhaps I'll post that shot later.
To get a picture of an orb you must simply will it. Be calm and be open to their presence. Shoot a picture when you "feel" like it, when you sense it's presence. If you see a flash out of the corner of your eye, take a pic quick!
Here's a couple of pictures that another researcher has caught of a similar golden entity. |
Contemplating the Spheres II |
Here's a couple of pictures that another researcher has caught of a similar golden entity. |
Some orbs have a golden glow to them. This gives them a divine-like effect on the senses. And as with closeup shots of standard orbs, some of the golden orbs have faces and symbols within their radius also. The link below right shows a similar shaped and colored orb as I am showing on this page. Be sure and scroll the entire page to see what I am speaking of. And the pages I am linking are total strangers to my work. No buddy-buddy agendas here. Just amazing similarities in our findings !
Look keenly at the closeup. You can see it's face and hands in profile quite clearly! Gracias Santos G. for sharing this picture. |
The traits often displayed by orbs make me sense them as beings living in an ocean. Their ocean is our atmosphere. While orbs can be seen in almost endless arrays of forms they tend to work in odd numbers. One, three, five, etc. Just an observance. Mathematics figures into this quest for understanding the orb phenomenon, never think it does not. |
Sometimes when orbs allow themselves to be observed in a closeup manner the appear like a soap bubble in the sun. This rainbow sheen can also be observed when the orbs are moving in a "school" or group. The picture (left) was taken as an orb came in close. The lens of the camera looks like a small orb itself to them. They see their own reflections within it as well. So catching closeup orb shots is a matter of making yourself available. |
Seen at the right is another closeup picture of an orb. Displayed are the classic characteristics of rainbowing again. In this particular valley there were orbs everywhere. After this sighting they began to form a chain. That chain was also a rainbow. They weaved their way through the valley. Perhaps I'll post that shot later.
To get a picture of an orb you must simply will it. Be calm and be open to their presence. Shoot a picture when you "feel" like it, when you sense it's presence. If you see a flash out of the corner of your eye, take a pic quick!
Ever heard of some kids books called "Magic Eye"? It's stereovision fun. You see we have been coerced into percieving our world in a "standardized way". We all use our eyes in the same way. But, they can be used in other ways that we were not taught as children. Below is a stereovision picture. Imbedded in the colors, center page is a skull. Can you relax your eyes enough and slow your inner cogs and gears to a point where the skull just pops-out at you? There are many books on stereo pictures, get some & learn to use your eyes differently. Use the same method in the field to see orbs as when you relax your eyes to see a stereovision image at home. You will improve your awareness and have fun doing it! Your perceptal speed will be increased as well as peripheal awareness. All handy traits for an orb researcher to possess. Ready for more? Scroll down then. |

Another truly wonderful way to learn about enhanced visual techniques that help you see orbs and other fliers in action is to study the HAWKEEN training methods. These clever discoveries give you the tools you need to see orbs and also to see at night! Truly some great material for any serious researcher to aquire for his bag of orb filming tricks. When you can see orbs with your naked eye then your world also changes in almost imperceptible ways. But change it will.
Go to Hawkeen here or hit the logo to visit them. You are in for a treat and a challenge! |

In the book Oahspe there is a part that describes something called a "Hoogadoah". This Hoogadoah seems to be something of a dry sweatlodge. Meaning, like the Inipi ceremony where one can enter the lodge and ask for guidance, so sounds the Hoogadoah's purpose. Let's address an exact quote on the subject from the pages of the Oahspe itself. (and of course an accompanying link for further research on your part) "But for the light of My angels to come and abide with My people, ye shall provide the hoogadoah, the well-covered house, and it shall have but one door, and pieces shall be put therein, so that when My chosen are within, all shall be dark, that My angels may teach them." |

Heck, this sounds like something one could do quite easily. It's worth an attempt. Why? Because I know that orbs do have things to share with us. They are the angels who can teach us. And that they like dark caves and such. It's like creating a "sitting parlor" for them. A place where they can come visit and mingle with you. I know, it's sounds crazy eh? So why don't you try it then? You are as crazy as I am or ye wouldn't be here in the first place. Ye've nothing to lose pilgrim & much to gain. And remember, this is research and contemplations only. If my humble perspective is different from yours about orbs then I salute you. If we share similar ideas about orbs I welcome you! It's all good brothers and sisters. It's all good. Sharing is a strength, so I share w/ you! And together we might just eventually understand this mysterious world we live in. Other references are made in the Oahspe bible to photospheres and angels. Research ! |

Odd lights associated with strange phenomenons captured here! Plus...... Radar Ring anomalies and photos (Hold your cursor over each picture for details) |
Orb Trivia: Did you know that their are giant orbs? Just as there are little fish and big fish in the oceans, so it is with orbs. The huge ones are rare. Only the basketball sized and smaller orbs have great number. Like all such things, the giant orbs are almost non-existent. I hope to some day catch one on film. |
Radar Anomalies: First Hand Account |
The ring above could be seen from far away. The clouds were somehow catching the rays. It was obvious to any who looked. |
Step back from the screen a bit. Now look at this picture. Gaze slowly and details of rings within rings come forth.
The ring was coming over the horizon like fingers. Stretching into a perfect circle eventually.
It was very still when I took this picture. |
The picture to the left was from underneath the radar ring once it had formed up.
Clearly the same large secondary ring(s) can be seen just as shown in the distance shot above.
The spokes or rays were gigantic! And by the time this pcture was taken the wind was ripping!
To say the least, this was an impressive spectacle to behold! So I thought I'd share this with you. |
Sunset and the ring fades in intensity. The Snake River stretches into the distance.
Speculation runs rampant on how and why these radar rings occur.
I believe I know why. But thats for another time and place.
I know of the second "Great Power" which must be kept.
Mitakuye Oyasin!
Blessings to each of you! |