The thundergod himself, according to this view, is an invisible Oz-like being acting behind the scenes to bring about the thunderstorm and its attendant visual and auditory phenomena. |
Here is an ancient symbol of the Thundergod. Examine this symbol closely, it resembles a bullet flying down the barrel of a gun, head on. It also looks like a target, beckoning you to shoot at it. Why would this symbol refer to the thundergod ? Perhaps due it being another one of primitive man's attempts to explain the then unknown device we call a gun ? Did an advanced race from the stars once act as our overlords ? Have guns always been part of the human experience since ancient times ? Eric Von Daniken has done some incredible research regarding ancient astronauts and their relativity to the development of the human race. It can be found here ! |

The Lightingbolt of the Gods: Life & Death In the Palm of Your Hand Taking another look at firearms from a more mythic & mystic perspective (respinning our present altered state of reality regarding gun ownership & usage)
Firearms, armas del fuego, thunder sticks....."guns" by any lesser, yet nonetheless accurate of terms, are the subject of countless rants both pro & con. Today, debates rage between the different factions in printed form, online forums & in daily discussions. Every aspect of the convoluted "Gun Equation" is hammered out, over & over again like some bad loop tape that won't quit playing ! Whether it's the right to own a gun or the right to carry a gun, from the bullet weight best suited to stop a charging adversary to what a gun can do and cannot do. Controversy reigns supreme in the multi-plagued theater of the gun. It's almost like gun owners have become become just a bunch of angry, ass biting bitches who go after one another instead of the being the backbone of America and going after the the gungrabbers. Rude argument and juvenile anger have become the gun owners off-range, side-hobby of late. It reflects in the number of gun related road rage incidents and domestic violence situations also. Divide and Conquer ! This bad mix of emotionally charged responsibities & topics that are all thrown together in the mental arena of the lone American gun owner is a difficult grouping of things to cope with for anyone. Gun owners seem to be getting the brunt of every bad turn there is. Hell, if the media spin doctors are allowed to keep on with their relentless attack upon decent people who own firearms, who knows where this will end !
Friends, no matter what the gun grabbers say or what some dumb ass, meddling foreigner like Kopfi Annan says, .......gun control does not work ! Disarming people is the first step to many, many bad things. History has shown us various weapons bans that appear thru-out history to be something like a "cycle of abuse" often found in dysfunctional family units. This is a viscious cycle that is kept alive by those corrupt government officials who stand to gain most from such nefarious behavior. (In the old days, those people were called "TRAITORS"....not politicians or activists as they are now). Perhaps a new perspective is needed to give gun owners some hope. But, what could possibly be hidden just over & beyond the horizon of man's combined vision ? Is there anything left that has not already been thought of in this war we are waging to keep our guns ? There might be pilgrim, there just might be. It begins by changing how we observe & perceive ourselves ! I propose a new perspective, one which is as odd, warped, unusal (or maybe even right on fucking target..wouldnt that be nice) than any of the counter-"veiws" that the New World Order is currently pitching at us thru the communist controlled press and related media. If they can say that guns are bad, then it is also MY RIGHT to say that Guns are DIVINE ! Guns as religious artifacts, are my right as per freedom of religion. I propose that guns are indeed religious from bannings, persecutions and witch hunts of any type.
In my belief system guns/firearms, have divine symbolism, like the knife is to the Sikh, like the Balisong to the Filipino and the cross to the Christian. Dare anyone abolish my religious rights with such a cavelier attitude as to make joke of it. If so, I know too how the court system works...I too know the way of the serpent. I think civil action is fne. Step on my rights with your trampling feet of clay and die outright for it, you fool. "Don't tread on me, my venom is pure fire".
Jim Keatings "Church of the Holy Thunder" is forming up swiftly. Won't you join ? It's time ! If not you, then who ? If not now, then when ? Play it, don't betray it, c'mon and say it ! It's Jim Keating's "Church of the Holy Thunder"! Right here in river city !
Is it a plot, is it a SCAM ? Can he be serious?.... Yes mam, I AM !
Hmmmmm! This is an era of excess, where enough is rarely enough. It appears that only those things which assault the senses, are proclaimed to be outrageous or which fly in the face of convention are noticed by the numbed out masses. The spin which I intend to throw upon things in this article is going to be "different". That's no fucking lie ! (yes, I can say "fucking" it's the internet.) This article will not stretch the imagination to badly because it smacks of truth. Because underlying this whole article will be that intuitive sense inside you, that odd feeling which tells you that something about this rings of truth. This article may help to bring about a better grasp of WHY those people who are so adamantly opposed to guns, gun ownership and decency, absolutely MUST take away America's and eventually the entire world's guns. Wanna read more about my new perspective & belief system ?? OK...yeah, it's a bit of a rant maybe, sorta culty, but what the fuck, it's worth a try. OK, buckle up and put on yer helmet..............letz~go~daddy-o ! We's a wast'in tyme !
The Divine Thunderbolt of the Gods: The Power to Strike from afar.......
The divine thunderbolt, it has long been associated with a variety of ancient Gods. Man learned early on to fear and respect the power of the Gods. He also coveted their power, the power over life & death at the snap of their fingers, death from a cruel sideways glance or even the thought of a God sending out one of these never erring bolts by whim alone was not unheard of. For thousands, perhaps millions of years the Gods were uncontested in their might, they held sway over mankind by the power of the mysterious thunderbolt weapon of doom. From Almighty Zeus to Thor, from the Hopi to the Assyrians it has been the same yarn over and over. Piss off the Gods and you can expect to be struck down from afar with little or no warning. (Like a sniper makes the enemy feel) While mankind was playing with swords and spears...even a few bows and arrows....the Gods had their Thunderbolts (or whatever they were). The game was meant to remain (always remain) in the favor of the Gods.
But, then came along Prometheus...Lucifer...."light bringer"...THINK-FEEL-SEE-SMELL the thunder-light-fire-noise-freedom it gives to those bold enough to embrace the ancient cult of sayeth the myth that when man was given fire (the concept of)..which was sole property of the Gods...then they too became God-like. This act of betrayal by one named Prometheus so infuriated the governing host -pantheon of gods that old Prometheus was chained to rock on a mountain top. Doomed to remain there forever. Each day an eagle is sent from the Gods to tear out his heart and to rend him to bits...only to be repeated the next again, ad infinitum.....all for giving mankind the gift of fire (and other skills). This really pissed the Gods off, and has ever since, it was the ruination of all petty tyrants henceforth in history and as a group, they've never forgotten it ! Harsh punishment it's true, but think about it, every gun owner has sort of become a "Prometheus" in their own way. Read about the myth.
You are made to be angry, to skulk and feel pressure unwarranted just by the ownership of an icon of freedom. Gun owners in a very oblique sense are the direct, bastard sons of Prometheus by our obvious fascination and agreement with guns and the entire concept of FIRE-POWER. Fire-power has long been the sole domain of Shamen, witchdoctors and Gods. FIRE-ARMS=The name, think about it, wizard-like, the "Torch" of the Fantastic Four, arms-weapons/arms-limbs....of FIRE...thunder...hand held throwers of deadly fire, smoke & death. Hand rockets !
Electricity, Guns, Lighting, Automobiles, Airplanes, The Computer you are looking at, Lightning, and much, much more are all products of some kind of FIRE. Yep, think about it a minute and you'll see what I mean. Not wood, not water, not metal...they are fine, but none can match the concept of FIRE-power ...there's the real secret to becoming a God my friends, therein also lies the secret in remaining one ! |

The Lightingbolt of the Gods: Life & Death In the Palm of Your Hand Taking another look at firearms from a more mythic & mystic perspective (respinning our present altered state of reality regarding gun ownership & usage)
Firearms, armas del fuego, thunder sticks....."guns" by any lesser, yet nonetheless accurate of terms, are the subject of countless rants both pro & con. Today, debates rage between the different factions in printed form, online forums & in daily discussions. Every aspect of the convoluted "Gun Equation" is hammered out, over & over again like some bad loop tape that won't quit playing ! Whether it's the right to own a gun or the right to carry a gun, from the bullet weight best suited to stop a charging adversary to what a gun can do and cannot do. Controversy reigns supreme in the multi-plagued theater of the gun. It's almost like gun owners have become become just a bunch of angry, ass biting bitches who go after one another instead of the being the backbone of America and going after the the gungrabbers. Rude argument and juvenile anger have become the gun owners off-range, side-hobby of late. It reflects in the number of gun related road rage incidents and domestic violence situations also. Divide and Conquer ! This bad mix of emotionally charged responsibities & topics that are all thrown together in the mental arena of the lone American gun owner is a difficult grouping of things to cope with for anyone. Gun owners seem to be getting the brunt of every bad turn there is. Hell, if the media spin doctors are allowed to keep on with their relentless attack upon decent people who own firearms, who knows where this will end !
Friends, no matter what the gun grabbers say or what some dumb ass, meddling foreigner like Kopfi Annan says, .......gun control does not work ! Disarming people is the first step to many, many bad things. History has shown us various weapons bans that appear thru-out history to be something like a "cycle of abuse" often found in dysfunctional family units. This is a viscious cycle that is kept alive by those corrupt government officials who stand to gain most from such nefarious behavior. (In the old days, those people were called "TRAITORS"....not politicians or activists as they are now). Perhaps a new perspective is needed to give gun owners some hope. But, what could possibly be hidden just over & beyond the horizon of man's combined vision ? Is there anything left that has not already been thought of in this war we are waging to keep our guns ? There might be pilgrim, there just might be. It begins by changing how we observe & perceive ourselves ! I propose a new perspective, one which is as odd, warped, unusal (or maybe even right on fucking target..wouldnt that be nice) than any of the counter-"veiws" that the New World Order is currently pitching at us thru the communist controlled press and related media. If they can say that guns are bad, then it is also MY RIGHT to say that Guns are DIVINE ! Guns as religious artifacts, are my right as per freedom of religion. I propose that guns are indeed religious from bannings, persecutions and witch hunts of any type.
In my belief system guns/firearms, have divine symbolism, like the knife is to the Sikh, like the Balisong to the Filipino and the cross to the Christian. Dare anyone abolish my religious rights with such a cavelier attitude as to make joke of it. If so, I know too how the court system works...I too know the way of the serpent. I think civil action is fne. Step on my rights with your trampling feet of clay and die outright for it, you fool. "Don't tread on me, my venom is pure fire".
Jim Keatings "Church of the Holy Thunder" is forming up swiftly. Won't you join ? It's time ! If not you, then who ? If not now, then when ? Play it, don't betray it, c'mon and say it ! It's Jim Keating's "Church of the Holy Thunder"! Right here in river city !
Is it a plot, is it a SCAM ? Can he be serious?.... Yes mam, I AM !
Hmmmmm! This is an era of excess, where enough is rarely enough. It appears that only those things which assault the senses, are proclaimed to be outrageous or which fly in the face of convention are noticed by the numbed out masses. The spin which I intend to throw upon things in this article is going to be "different". That's no fucking lie ! (yes, I can say "fucking" it's the internet.) This article will not stretch the imagination to badly because it smacks of truth. Because underlying this whole article will be that intuitive sense inside you, that odd feeling which tells you that something about this rings of truth. This article may help to bring about a better grasp of WHY those people who are so adamantly opposed to guns, gun ownership and decency, absolutely MUST take away America's and eventually the entire world's guns. Wanna read more about my new perspective & belief system ?? OK...yeah, it's a bit of a rant maybe, sorta culty, but what the fuck, it's worth a try. OK, buckle up and put on yer helmet..............letz~go~daddy-o ! We's a wast'in tyme !
The Divine Thunderbolt of the Gods: The Power to Strike from afar.......
The divine thunderbolt, it has long been associated with a variety of ancient Gods. Man learned early on to fear and respect the power of the Gods. He also coveted their power, the power over life & death at the snap of their fingers, death from a cruel sideways glance or even the thought of a God sending out one of these never erring bolts by whim alone was not unheard of. For thousands, perhaps millions of years the Gods were uncontested in their might, they held sway over mankind by the power of the mysterious thunderbolt weapon of doom. From Almighty Zeus to Thor, from the Hopi to the Assyrians it has been the same yarn over and over. Piss off the Gods and you can expect to be struck down from afar with little or no warning. (Like a sniper makes the enemy feel) While mankind was playing with swords and spears...even a few bows and arrows....the Gods had their Thunderbolts (or whatever they were). The game was meant to remain (always remain) in the favor of the Gods.
But, then came along Prometheus...Lucifer...."light bringer"...THINK-FEEL-SEE-SMELL the thunder-light-fire-noise-freedom it gives to those bold enough to embrace the ancient cult of sayeth the myth that when man was given fire (the concept of)..which was sole property of the Gods...then they too became God-like. This act of betrayal by one named Prometheus so infuriated the governing host -pantheon of gods that old Prometheus was chained to rock on a mountain top. Doomed to remain there forever. Each day an eagle is sent from the Gods to tear out his heart and to rend him to bits...only to be repeated the next again, ad infinitum.....all for giving mankind the gift of fire (and other skills). This really pissed the Gods off, and has ever since, it was the ruination of all petty tyrants henceforth in history and as a group, they've never forgotten it ! Harsh punishment it's true, but think about it, every gun owner has sort of become a "Prometheus" in their own way. Read about the myth.
You are made to be angry, to skulk and feel pressure unwarranted just by the ownership of an icon of freedom. Gun owners in a very oblique sense are the direct, bastard sons of Prometheus by our obvious fascination and agreement with guns and the entire concept of FIRE-POWER. Fire-power has long been the sole domain of Shamen, witchdoctors and Gods. FIRE-ARMS=The name, think about it, wizard-like, the "Torch" of the Fantastic Four, arms-weapons/arms-limbs....of FIRE...thunder...hand held throwers of deadly fire, smoke & death. Hand rockets !
Electricity, Guns, Lighting, Automobiles, Airplanes, The Computer you are looking at, Lightning, and much, much more are all products of some kind of FIRE. Yep, think about it a minute and you'll see what I mean. Not wood, not water, not metal...they are fine, but none can match the concept of FIRE-power ...there's the real secret to becoming a God my friends, therein also lies the secret in remaining one ! | Prometheus's lament: For boons bestowed On mortal men I am straitened in these bonds. I sought the fount of fire in hollow reed (Ed. Gun barrel?) Hid privily, a measureless resource For man, and mighty teacher of all arts. This is the crime that I must expiate Hung here in chains, nailed 'neath the open sky. Ha! Ha! What echo, what odour floats by with no sound? God-wafted or mortal or mingled its strain? Comes there one to this world's end, this mountain-girt ground |

"Numerous scholars have observed that the image of Zeus casting lightning from his eye corresponds to a widespread belief. In Hindu tradition, for example, Shiva was said to have been capable of throwing lightning from his third eye, located in the center of his head".
OK, when you see someone shoot a gun towards you all that you see is that "firey eye" right in the center of the shooters face..(if he's aiming).....yes, like a third eye, firespitting and lethal,..the same appearance that Indra presented to those who stood before him...and the verbal agility of the times being somehwat limited as to explaining what actually transpired...well, did Indra in fact have nothing more than a handgun of some sort? Sounds like it methinks! The Rig-Veda tells us this happened many thousands of years ago. Coincidence ? Or gun being described by someone who had never seen one before? Think about it....CHT is right fer me !

"The fount of fire in a hollow reed" ? Does this not seem somewhat as a primitive man's description of a modern firearm ? |
Virtually every culture has preserved memory of a "thundergod," a towering and tumultuous figure whose modus operandi is the generation of lightning and the hurling of death-dealing thunderbolts from the sky. A prominent character in ancient pantheons, shaman rites, and religious iconography, the thundergod often doubles as a god of war. The Inca god Illapa is a case in point: "Lightning in Inca religion was the major theophany of the weather god, known as Ilyap'a, now usually hispanicized to Illapa was also the god of war, of trade, and god of death. It was represented as a constellation outlining a man wielding a club in his left hand and a sling in his right." |
Of Thor's weapon, it was said: "If he threw the hammer, it would never miss the mark and never go too far to return again to his hand." In this tradition we recognize the universal theme of the unerring marksman.
Ancient Historical Observations on Guns, Gods and Thunderbolts |
Here is an ancient symbol of the Thundergod. Examine this symbol closely, it resembles a bullet flying down the barrel of a gun, head on. It also looks like a target, beckoning you to shoot at it. Why would this symbol refer to the thundergod ? Perhaps due it being another one of primitive man's attempts to explain the then unknown device we call a gun ? Did an advanced race from the stars once act as our overlords ? Have guns always been part of the human experience since ancient times ? Eric Von Daniken has done some incredible research regarding ancient astronauts and their relativity to the development of the human race. It can be found here ! |
Pocket Rocket my ass ! Saturday Night Special ? Ha Ha Ha ! ....................................... Divine Thunderbolt Anyone ? U Have the Right to be a God ! |
In the world of tomorrow MIGHT WILL BE RIGHT ! It is already so in many places !
Lots and lots and lots of law, but very little justice to be found !
All people, all beliefs, all mankind can join my CHURCH of the HOLY THUNDER.
Amen ! Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh.................. |
Become a holy man, simply buy a handgun and automatically become a bonafide Deacon in the Church of the Holy Thunder ! The good & honorable Reverend J. A. Keating presiding ! Join the congregation ! |

Now we are looking good brothers & sisters ! Get your own Church of the Holy Thunder t-shirt today ! Show that you are not going to be conned by some slick Gary Condit clone-look alike politician who's out to get your holy relics aka "guns"! Join the CHT now ! Look over these very cool "Church vestments" and pick the one which best suits your daily needs ! Fun, practical and holy ! Jumpin Jesus, can it get any better ? .........................................................................................................................................................................
Here is a Hymn from last Sundays Church of the Holy Thunder's choir meeting: (sing along now) I don't care if it rains or freezes long as I have my plastic Jesus sitting on the dashboard of my car... ............................................... Going ninety it aint scary, long as I have my Virgin Mary sitting on the dashboard of my car......... ............................................... With Holy Thunder, there is no blunder, just a sense of quiet wonder, a .38 is on the dashboard of my car .........................

That was beautiful ! Amen and thank you for singing along. Those of you familiar with the film starring Paul Newman released as "Cool Hand Luke" will recognize the tune ! |
Phanciful Phun or Serious Shit ? |
Rascals, Ripoffs or the Real Deal ? |
....................................................................... |

"The philology of the terms used for the various types of winds is of great importance in the development of the theme of Jurakan. As can be seen by these definitions, these winds indicate a circular motion and a gyration about a center or eye. For the indigenous mind, these factors hold a religious significance as they are comparable in form to the sacred center from which creative and destructive power emanates for example, the word huracan, a Carib word, means 'a tropical cyclone with winds of 73 miles per hour or greater, but rarely exceeding 150 miles per hour, is usually accompanied by rain, thunder, and lightning. The cyclone, a term that originated from the Greek kyklos, meaning 'wheel' or 'circle', and was modified to kykloma that signifies 'wheel' or 'coil of a snake', is defined as 'a storm or system of winds that rotates about a center of low atmospheric pressure clockwise in the Southern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the North. The tornado, from Latin: tornare, 'to turn in a lathe', and also influenced by the Spanish words tornado: 'turned' or 'returned' and tronada: 'thunderstorm', is a 'violent destructive whirlwind accompanied by a funnel-shaped cloud"
Most significant is the intimate relationship between the whirling winds and an "eye-like" or "wheel-like" form, |

Could this be describing rifling ? |
Could this be the bullet exiting the barrel of a gun ? |
Does this passage in a holy book describe a revolvers cylinder action ? |
All indicative of a revolver's existence in the pre-dawn of mankind. Wielded by some off planet overlord ! The ancestors description of a revolver in these passages (as interpreted by our high priests & Priestesses) is proof of the firearms status as a true holy relic ! |
BUY A GUN ! Learn to use it ! |
Prometheus steals FIRE from Zeus. |
The legend of the fire-arm is born !
................. Thanx Prometheus ! |
Zeus and his wench be napping. Old lightbringer snatches some of Zeus's fire-mojo and attempts a coup in league w/ the pesky humans. Lizards beware ! |
The Wheel Gun: A holy relic or just another victim of the Commie controlled media ! |

It has been long known that some holy relics can repel and destroy evil. A cross is worn by many to protect them from harm and as a symbol of their faith. To possess a piece of the true cross has long been a charm most coveted. We have heard about the vampire and sunlight. How garlic repels them. We have also learned that a silver bullet can destroy an evil enity. Vampire, wereperson or simple non-believer...a silver bullet operates on two levels. The natural and the super-natural. It has long been associated with truth and honesty. Yes, like the Lone Ranger, silver horses, silvers hair, Jay Silverheels, all there to show us the path of divinity ! That's a good catch there Sparky ! A silver bullet is a concept thought of by native and foreigner alike as a viable and effective "extra" defense in evil times such as these: "the essence of all that is good, in it's most swift and surest sense".
Is it not so ...? Truly, from birth, those of you reading my words, have known this and have never been able to or been bold enough to express it. Too over the top, too far out....yeah, I know. Hoppy WAS God ya see, remember that silvery hair and silky voice. M'ember them pistols and that Horse ? Uh-huh, yeah. Ya see it wasn't George Burns and John Denver ! It was Hoppy from the beginnng, think I'm kidding ? Hoppy appears to be an immortal, a man from the future, never aging. William Boyd spelled backwards is Mailliw Dyob ! Amazing ! How's about St. Hoppy ? Oh, I see, don't what I mean or who "Hoppy" is, eh ? How old are you son ? I see. Oh well, fergit it ! I guess the moral of the story is this:
Silver bullets make all guns divine instruments..period ! And we've always been shown this to be true by the media themselves ! Why not recognize it, legitimize it and make it ours in a way that is also constituionally protected... as part of OUR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM ! Are you with me ? |

Places to visit that are CHT approved ! Great sites and great folks, support their efforts ! |

The Museum of Natural History in London displays an early Paleolithic skull, dated at 38,000 years old, and excavated in 1921 in modern Zambia. On the left side of the skull is a perfectly round hole nearly a third of an inch in diameter. Curiously, there are no radial split-lines around the hole or other marks that should have been left by a cold weapon, such as an arrow or spear. Opposite the hole, the cranium is shattered, and reconstruction of the fragments show the skull was blown from the inside out, as from a rifle shot. In fact, any slower a projectile would have produced neither the neat hole nor the shattering effect. Forensic experts who have examined the skull agree the cranial damage could not have been caused by anything but a high-speed projectile, purposely fired at the prehistoric victim, with intent to kill.
If such a weapon was indeed fired at the man, then one of two conclusions can be made: Either the specimen is not as old as it is claimed to be, and was shot by a European in recent centuries, or the remains are as old as claimed, and the marksman was ancient too. In view of the fact that the Paleolithic skull was excavated from a depth of 60 feet, mostly of lead rock, the second conclusion is more plausible. But who possessed gunpowder 38,000 years ago? Certainly not Stone Age man himself. Another race must have existed, one far more advanced and civilized, yet contemporary. The question is, where did that rifle-toting marksman call home? |

More evidence of the time when the "Gods" used guns and mankind was their "hobby" !
There is also a bison skull, very ancient that has been found. It too has a bullet hole through it's forehead. Who were thes ancient gunmen from aeons past ? Time travellers ? Off-worlders? or UFO overlords?
Home of the ThunderGods |
CHT (tm) Comtech/ UTM (tm) Comech/ |
Our Lady of the Holy Thunder
The thundergod himself, according to this view, is an invisible Oz-like being acting behind the scenes to bring about the thunderstorm and its attendant visual and auditory phenomena. |
Church of the Holy Thunder |