Master Ravi Shankar / RAGA JOG / Sitar master piece
Cossack-Sorcerers: The Secretive and Magical Warrior Society
Alexander the Great, Prester John, Strabo of Amasia, and Wonders of the East
Cloud the Minds of those who track you / Faraday Bags / Protect you
Science of People analyzed thousands of hours of TED talks and found one striking pattern: The most viral TED Talkers spoke with their words AND their hands.
If a man succeeds in understanding the significance of speech, if he learns how to speak, when to speak, what is gained by speech, and what happens when he speaks, he is well on the way to achieving his goal. The person who regulates his speech rightly is the person who is going to make the most progress. This has ever been realized by all leaders of occult movements. That most occult order of Pythagoras at Crotona, and many other of the esoteric schools in Europe and Asia had a rule that all neophytes and probationers were not permitted to speak for two years after entering the school and when they had learned to keep silence for that period, they were given the right to speak, for they had learned a specific reticence.
You Have Read about it Before: WETIKO VIRUS / The Human Condition!
Another Great Vid on Swimming Dragon / Teacup Relative ! The old style "Priest Form".
At 3:57 Garbage - Ha Ha! And then 7:08 Station Wagon Ha Ha