Sumbrada: An In-Depth Study of the two man exercise we all know and love. This is the subject of our two day quest. To REALLY UNDERSTAND this particular exercise or drill to its utmost. To learn about the family of sumbrada FMA exercises beyond the normal level of endeavor. Anyone can attend, come find out how deep the sumbrada rabbit hole goes down, you will be shocked. It is an amazing multi-tiered two man form that allows you growth, knowledge and hi-performance all in one package.# count, five count, nine count and more will be taught!
STYLES: Figure eight style, abaniko style, redondo style, reverse sumbrada, 3 stick method, sword y dagger style, reverse grip, basic two stick style, advanced two stick style and heaven six style too. And lest we forget PUNYO Sumbrada and its variations also. Yes, you can "know" the methods, but can you do them on command and do them well? Yep, thats the trick. IE: Being able to do this shit, not just being aware of them. This event will be about establishing the skills which allow YOU to do these methods. Thus expanding your tactical range incredibly! Thus expanding your knowledge base right up to the doorstep of mastery!
TOOLS: Stick(s), knive(s), sword, Staff, empty hand, flexible weapons and beyond - we shall cover all of this. Disarms, traps, killshots, multi-man will also be addressed. Break Pattern training will enter the picture at some point offering a random challenge at any moment.
FIN: This is just a small overview of what we shall be tackling together. This will be a fast paced no BS two day session. Play yer cards right and you'll walk away w/ some incredible material to take back to your training nest and further refine!
One month away March 22 / 23 it starts. Plan on being with me on this journey of Sumbrada based abilities. If you do FMA then You owe it to yourself to make this one. It will take you to the next level. See Ya there.