~ YO CREO? ~
I think there is something rotten
Illicit gains ill gotten!
Of mindless greed
With God's goodspeed
It's something we're all caught in.
I feel like there is something broken
Like a hollow worthless token
Like a hoarders breath
And the taste of death
Or a sleeper yet unwoken.
I can smell the thoughts of liars
Like asphalt upon my tires
Like a foggish gloom
It's a smell of doom
The vanity of those fires.
Fast I see a wall approaching
Or is it we who are encroaching?
To rush up close
For the poison dose
A killer needs no coaching
I think the sounds of silence
I thread the lines of violence
My home is where a devil fell
In the darkest heart of a smoky hell
My heart, my soul, my lance
The path I've walked has took it's toll
I smoke that path from a smoky bowl
Good thoughts flow bright
My heart beats right
Indeed I know my role ...
A crossing place this bridge of sighs
In a sacred space a raven flies
He's a wayward knave
And he's no-man's slave
And a dead moon gonna rise
This life is not a happy lark
So I'm just dancing after dark.
Such true words they long for talking
Like swift young feet just yearn for walking
I see strange men a- stalking, a stalking in the dark.
I see strange men stalking
Silently walking, in the dark .....